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News Release

Sept. 12, 2023

Career Pathing sessions aimed at setting up students, employees for success in workplace

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Northwest Missouri State University is again offering personal and professional development opportunities for students and employees this fall through its Career Pathing series.

Career Pathing sessions annually feature activities and workshops led by Northwest staff members and other experts who share their knowledge and experiences related to applicable workplace topics.

The program gives participating student employees opportunities to develop skills for the workforce and earn pay increases for their attendance, in addition to providing professional development opportunities for University employees, too.

“The Career Pathing Program provides Northwest students with professional educational opportunities to prepare them for their current positions as well as skills for their future careers,” Northwest Coordinator of Student Employment Paula McLain said. “Topics discussed complement and enhance their hands-on learning in the workplace.”

More information about fall Career Pathing sessions is provided below. All sessions are 60 minutes long and take place in the J.W. Jones Student Union Boardroom.

Northwest students may register online at

Northwest staff and faculty may register online at

Dr. Shalon Malone

Small Actions, Big Consequences

Dr. Shalon Malone, Northwest assistant vice president of diversity and inclusion
10 a.m., noon or 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13

Microaggressions, stereotypes and biases are prevalent in society. This workshop will define actions and provide tools to modify behavior, call people in to learning about harmful actions and create a welcoming environment for all. 

Michele Burch Reid

Emotional Intelligence

Michele Burch Reid, organizational effectiveness and personal development consultant with Legacy Consulting Institute LLC
10 a.m., 1 p.m. or 3 p.m. Monday, Sept. 18

Emotional Intelligence refers to a distinct combination of emotional and social skills and competencies that influence our overall capability to cope effectively with the demands and pressures of work and life. Learn how Emotional Intelligence skills influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in effective and meaningful ways

Michele Burch Reid

40 Day Practice to Resilience: Relaxation and Stress Management

Michele Burch Reid, organizational effectiveness and personal development consultant with Legacy Consulting Institute LLC
11 a.m., 2 p.m. or 4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 2

Burch Reid guides attendees in learning how stress affects their bodies, how to reverse those effects and how to build resilience. The workshop is interactive and includes several relaxation stress management exercises. 

Jasmine Stringer

Seize Your Relationships: Make Authentic Connections

Jasmine Stringer, lifestyle expert, strategist and influencer with Carpe Diem with Jasmine LLC
11 a.m., 1 p.m. or 3 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 17

Stringer discusses best practices to dissolve barriers, expand networks and cultivate deeper personal and professional connections to help attendees increase their visibility, develop a stronger support network, improve business growth and make more impactful connections. 

Audiences will learn how to discover effective strategies to build authentic connections, the power of being genuine and open in professional networking to develop deeper and more meaningful relationships, to build a strong network that boosts visibility and provides valuable support and resources, to leverage authentic connections to drive and create opportunities for professional and personal development and growth. 

Dr. Melissa Van Buren

The Role of Self-Care in Professional Productivity & Success

Dr. Melissa Van Buren, Northwest employee wellness coordinator
10 a.m., 2 p.m. or 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 2

Van Buren will discuss the application of self-care topics, including nutrition, sleep hygiene, immune support, stress management, adrenal support, relationship health and setting boundaries related to work, school and home to create a balanced, sustainably healthy life.

Attendees will be introduced to the topic of self-care and preventative medicine, understand the rationale of seeking healthy balance in everyday life, review examples of applying self-care and preventative medicine to different lifestyles and schedules, and learn how to apply self-care and preventative medicine to their own personal career trajectory and life goals.

Kim Becking

Build a Momentum Mindset: How to Be More Adaptable, Resilient and Ready for What’s Next in a Rapidly-Changing World That Never Slows Down

Kim Becking, professional speaker with Momentum Motivation LLC
11 a.m., 2 p.m. or 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15

Becking shares her stories of resilience in life and business with healthy doses of vulnerability, humor and motivation. She will share how attendees can use resilience to navigate and cope during change and uncertainty while building a momentum mindset to develop the resilience needed to push past limited thinking and challenges.

Attendees will leave this program with tools to transform their mindset to think differently, become more adaptable, and challenges and create the everyday resilience required to reduce stress and ignite momentum.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215