a - z指数



ALL 在校园张贴必须事先获得批准


Recognized student organizations and Northwest Department postings can be added to digital displays in the Student Union, 详情可在大学日历上查阅.

联谊会 & Sorority Life social fraternities and sororities must first register their events with 联谊会 & Sorority Life for approval prior to requesting posting approval.

Any form of solicitation must receive prior approval from 辅助服务 (auxserv@0933282516.com)




  • 熊猫链接:创建事件在您的 组织的页面 OR
  • 在学生参与办公室获得批准章.W. 琼斯学生会2楼)


  • 有了批准印章,你就可以在大学公告板上张贴.



  • 大学营销吗? & 通信为您创建帖子?
    If so, it will bear their stamp and no additional approval needed.
  • 你的部门创建了这个帖子吗?
    通过电子邮件发送邮件到 osi@0933282516.com


  • 有了批准印章,你就可以贴在大学公告板上.

Businesses (non-Northwest), public organizations and private clients


  • Email osi@0933282516.com OR
  • 在学生参与办公室获得批准章.W. 琼斯学生会2楼)


  • 加盖批准章就可以 只在公共/非大学的公告栏上发布.


  • Who is sponsoring the event = Student Org name, Northwest Department name or Public Entity
  • 正在推广的活动是什么?
  • 活动将在哪里举行? (具体)
  • 活动举行的具体日期和时间?
  • CONTACT INFORMATION such as a name, email, and phone number so people know who to contact.
  • 请给我留点地方


  1. 墙上、门上或窗户上不得张贴告示.
  2. 不允许在浴室张贴帖子, except with express permission of the Office of 学生的参与.
  3. 不要在树上张贴广告, 栅栏, 长椅, 灯柱, 迹象, 纪念碑,或者放在建筑物上,或者放在停放的汽车上.
  4. 发布s may be attached with staples or push pins (tacks) to Bulletin Boards. 不允许使用胶带或胶水.
  5. 帖子必须删除 活动后一周内;
  6. 张贴不得超过14 1/2 × 22 1/2英寸.
  7. 没有不适当的内容:色情, 污秽的, 图片或与酒精和/或非法物质的联系.
  8. 非英文的帖子需要翻译.
  9. 每个大学董事会只能张贴一张告示.
  10. All postings on the University Boards MUST HAVE STUDENT INVOLVEMENT STAMP OR UNIVERSITY MARKETING & 通信的邮票.
  11. 非正常张贴(如.e. 超大的、奇怪的位置等等.)联系马克·亨德里克斯 MHENDRIX@0933282516.com 


  1. Reports of violations may be submitted to the Office of 学生的参与
  2. For minor violations such as failure to remove expired postings, 覆盖或删除另一个帖子, 或者在每个公告板上张贴多个帖子, 将实施下列制裁措施:
    1. The first offense each academic year shall result in a written warning directed to the president of the org or the dept head.
    2. Each subsequent offense shall result in the loss of posting privileges for 15 weeks excluding Northwest Holidays beginning on the date the violation was submitted.
  3. For major violations such as forgery of approval or hanging an unapproved posting, 可以实施下列制裁:
    1. Revocation of posting privileges for up to one academic year from the date of the decision.
    2. 罚款高达25美元.00.
    3. In extraordinary cases, the charges and evidence may be turned over to local or state authorities.


  1. Organizations must be registered with and recognized by 学生参议院 to chalk.
  2. A recognized organization that wishes to perform sidewalk chalking must submit a 人行道涂粉应用. 请列印此表格, 完成它, and return to the Office of 学生的参与 on the 2nd floor of the J.W. 琼斯学生会.
  3. Applications must be received by the Office of 学生的参与 at least one week in advance of the planned chalking.
  4. 在提交人行道粉笔申请时, the organization will receive a limited supply of sidewalk chalk (while supplies last).
  5. Individuals submitting applications must submit either their organization’s Northwest ID#, 或提供自己的学生证号码并在表格上签名, 同意以下条款.
  6. Chalking may only be done on sidewalks and with non-permanent chalk.
  7. 无不当内容(包括, 但不限于色情, 污秽的, 与分配酒精有关的协会, 和/或非法物质)应在粉笔.
  8. No libelous or discriminatory references shall be made in the chalking.
  9. 和记棋牌娱乐’s policy is to allow up to two recognized organizations to post during the same period, 不超过两星期(太阳及卫星).
  10. Organizations are asked to rank preference of locations for chalking on the application.  如果第二个组织在同一时间段注册, the OSI will notify both organizations which locations they are allowed to chalk.
  11. Chalkings must be cleaned with soap and water within 2 days after the chalking end-date, or the ID# provided on the application will be charged a $10 fee per location.


国旗可以挂在J.W. 琼斯学生会 only with prior written approval from the 学生事务 Office.


  1. Only banners promoting Northwest campus-wide events that everyone is invited to attend and is taking place on campus and organized by a campus organization or office will be approved
  2. 申请按先到先批准的原则批准.
  3. A 申请批核横幅表格 must be completed which will include a sketch or photograph of the banner. The 申请批核横幅表格 must be submitted no later than 5 business days before the banner is requested to be hung. 返校节或联谊会周的横幅是例外. These banners are approved and hung by the Office of 学生的参与.
  4. 非英文横幅应包括英文翻译. Exceptions may be made for phrases that are of common knowledge.
  5. The banner must specify the recognized student organization or Northwest office sponsoring or co-sponsoring the event.
  6. Once approved, banners may be dropped off at the 学生事务 office to be hung. 横幅只会由工会职员悬挂.
  7. 在大楼上悬挂横幅的时间不得超过7天. 如果需要空间,横幅可以在更短的时间内移除.  Damaged banners and/or banners that are hung on the building without approval will be removed. 活动结束后,横幅将被撤下. Banners may be picked up at the time, any banner not picked up after 1 week will be discarded.
  8. 有24个空间可以挂横幅. 每个空间宽105英寸(8英尺9英寸),高117英寸(9英尺9英寸). In order to hang a banner it must be smaller than these dimensions.
  9. Banners must include grommets at all four corners to be attached to the building. The exception is if the banners are using a wood 2"x2" or 1"x4" at the top, then there should be holes drilled through the wood or screw-in eyelets, 系上绳索或蹦极绳. 下面是一个示例横幅的示意图.
  10. Bungee cords will be provided for the banners that are a minimum of 6'x7' smaller banners must have ropes attached (see diagram below).
  11. 标识店(外. 1844年),可在校园内制作专业横幅. Please call as soon as possible to place your order and receive a price quote.


  1. 违反 of the Banner Policy will be handled according to University 发布的政策.

